Twice Shy: Chapter Five

The toilet door was closed when Abbie returned to the entrance hall, but the front was open, and she stepped straight into the crisp early hours of the morning.… Read the rest
Twice Shy: Chapter Four

She strode across the grass, rounding a couple of picnic blankets, and proceeded to the patio. There were people all around. Despite the fact Abbie had just attacked and dropped into a hedge one of their friends or at least acquaintances, no one looked her way.… Read the rest
Twice Shy: Chapter Three

Showing no signs of recognition—only mild interest at who this gatecrasher might be—Harry opened his mouth to speak.
Before he could utter a syllable, a pale hand grabbed his taut bicep.… Read the rest
Twice Shy: Chapter Two

Abbie drove into the centre of town, parked, and forced herself to step from the car.
Following her breakdown on the outskirts, she felt a little better.… Read the rest
Twice Shy: Chapter One

It was as though the locals had erected an invisible shield around their town, designed to deter outsiders from entering their precious space.
The shield attacked the brain.… Read the rest
Miss No One – Chapter Three

The car pulled into the lot. Parked between the fifth and sixth ring of sale vehicles. Stopped.
Walking away from the window, Abbie came to Christine, grabbed her arm.… Read the rest
Miss No One – Chapter Two

Though Abbie hadn’t snuck into the room, it appeared the woman crouched over the dead man hadn’t heard her and would never notice her if left to her own devices.… Read the rest
Miss No One – Chapter One

The hooded figure scaled the chain-link fence and dropped onto the gravel lot of the used car dealership beyond. And Abbie watched.
It was thirteen minutes, almost to the second, since Abbie had passed yet another WELCOME TO sign for a town she’d never previously visited.… Read the rest